I made a morning trip to DeKorte Park in NJ Meadowlands to search for American Bittern or Orange-crowned Warbler which were seen yesterday. I checked the Ruddy Duck blind on the Marsh Discovery Trail and had no luck for the bittern even though others did. There was no sign of the OCWA either. An adult Bald Eagle flew overhead, I thought this might be my bird. My best sighting of the day was Sandy Komito who stopped by The Meadowlands to bird some while waiting for a flight overseas. I always try to spend time birding or sharing stories with whenever I see him. Today we did both. Still no bird "better" than the Bald Eagle. In the afternoon I made a second trip to DeKorte and on Disposal Rd. saw a Kestrel and 40 Snow Buntings. I met up with another birder and we were off to look for the bittern again. On the trail I spotted a Common Teal amongst the Green-winged Teals and shared it with 2 other birders. We walked to the Ruddy Duck blind and I found the American Bittern hunting the edge of the channel, much closer than we expected. I took some photos and tried out some video here American Bittern Video
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