We started out our last full day in Florida at Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge at day break. We helped out with a morning flight count, mostly waders and blackbirds. They all roost in the Everglades across the canal from the Lox impoundments. Thousands of Ibis and Egrets fly out every morning. We were hoping to find Snail Kites flying out of a roost there, but they moved the roost due to lack of food from the late summer and autumn drought. We've counted as many as 52 birds using the roost in past years. We added a few new birds to our trip list, Rough-winged Swallow, Marsh Wren and Blue-headed Vireo. No Snail Kites. We visited Wellington Environmental Preserve after lunch and found 1 Snail Kite there. We found at least 15 Limpkins and new birds, Scaup, Caspian Tern and Savannah Sparrow. We finished off the day at Green Cay where some regulars found momma Bobcat with 1 young. My last photo of the trip was of the young Bobcat shot through the blowing grasses, seen below. A nice trip with 110 species seen without chasing anything.

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