Today we drove north to visit with Dad and go to some places in Palm Beach County. We made Wakodahatchee Wetlands the first stop. Along the half-mile boardwalk we found the nesting Cormorants and Anhingas and looked for the Neotropic Coromorant that has been seen here. In a few minutes we find the smaller bird. Most people there didn't seem to care. I think we were 2 of 3 birders in the place. Lots of nature paparazzi and board stompers as well as a few families looking for gators. Purple Martins are starting to gather. Great Egrets and Green Herons were building nests. Great Blue Herons were feeding young. A Sora gave us great views. Just before meeting with Dad for breakfast at 10:30, we stopped at Green Cay Wetlands. Painted Bunting was seen on the walk in. Great looks at Pied-billed Grebes, Blue-winged Teal and most of the waders were the highlights in this brief stop. After breakfast we visited Okeheelee Nature Center where see see 6 more Painted Buntings.
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