Today I sold cards at another show in Ocean county so I had another opportunity to bird the shore. I chose Manasquan Inlet today. It was cold and very windy, but I still made a trip to the end of the jetty to search for Purple Sandpipers. 15 were seen, some flying around the jetty and a few feeding on the edge. Lots of gulls around, but nothing stood out. I found the sandpipers so quickly I had time to stop in South Amboy area to search mudflats for gulls at the Morgan Ave. Mudflats. Upon arrival it was recommended by Tom that I wear something boot-like on my feet, no sneakers. This was a great tip. I followed Tom's footprints in the mud out to the gulls. There was a group of 80-100 Bonaparte's Gulls with a lone Black-headed Gull feeding on the edge. It was good to know the Bonaparte's will be there to use another day. These gulls were 2 new NJ birds for the year. Sandpiper photo was taken a few days ago at Barnegat Lighthouse. It was a too windy for decent photos today.

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