Rules of the Bird-a-Day Challenge

Bird-a-Day Rules:

1. Every day you add a new bird that you see or hear (not on the television, in a book or on the internet) to your list of birds for that date. You don't have to enter your observation each day, but in a timely manner post your observations for the rest of us to see.
2. You may not repeat the same bird or skip a day.
3. Any non-caged, non-captive, free flying bird is allowed; that is except for a chicken. We're not sure why chickens aren't allowed, but we accept the rule and live by it!
4. We operate by the honor system, just like any other bird list, it is your own. The competition is more with yourself than with others. Unless you live next door to someone who is participating, there is really no way make circumstances equal.
5. When your time to end is near do your best and consider what you can do to improve next year. Don't break the bank flying around the country chasing the next bird.... that is unless you own the bank.
6. Encourage others who are participating and keep others up to date about the great birds you will ultimately find throughout the year.
7. Have Fun! Enjoy getting outside and watching the birds.

The Prize:

At some point during the year "you will be unable to see or hear a new bird" to add to your list. When this happens you have completed the race and have established for yourself a mark to try and better next year.
During your attempt to go deep into the year you will undoubtedly see many more birds than you would have if you hadn’t attempted the challenge. Pat yourself on the back and know you did your best.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9 - Greater White-fronted Goose

Today it was a choice between Greater White-fronted Goose, Snow Goose or Common Teal. Linda and I went to Mill Creek Marsh hoping for the Orange-crowned Warbler, but found the Common Teal. At Overpeck Park, I found the immature Snow Goose, while Linda found the Great White-fronted Goose. Both birds were seen today in the water adjacent to the track. Since the GWFG has been a bit of a problem to find and the Common Teal should be around a while yet, I decided to use the goose for bird-a-day. Photo is from last week when it was found on the field.

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