I needed to make a trip to Downtown Manhattan today, so I started by taking a side trip to Mid-town. Yellow-breasted Chat has been reported for at least a month in Bryant Park, 6th Ave. and 42nd St. I spent a half hour searching through House Sparrows to find only some White-throated Sparrows and a Hermit Thrush. I sat down at the New York Public Library's outdoor terrace, 5th Ave. and 42nd St. and within 5 minutes the Chat was at my feet. This bird used the chair and table legs like small tree branches, hopping form one to another. It didn't sit still long. A New Yorker came by with some crackers for a snack and shared them with the House Sparrows only to have the Chat join in. Possibly the easiest I've ever found a Chat.

So far so good. Wish I had the same kind of luck with these things!